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How can I connect to the server? If you use Pirch, mIRC or MS Chat, you can connect to irc.bigpond.com on port 6667. The Big Pond chat home page contains extensive instructions on how to connect to the server using these chat clients. You can also connect using the Web Based Chat Client, click here to load the Web Based Chat. How do I find #Australia Darwin. NT ? Once you are connected to the irc.bigpond.com server, just type /join #Australia Darwin. NT to join our channel. You can also list all channels on the server, but typing /list then then join it from there, MS Chat users can find the channel but using the Channel List box from the Member menu. I am not Australian, can I still chat in #Australia Darwin. NT ? Yes! #Australia Darwin. NT does not discriminate against anyone, we try to make everyone feel at home in our channel. Is it safe for my child to chat in #Australia Darwin. NT ? The irc.bigpond.com server blocks swearing from being sent to channels or whispers, however we do recommend parental guidance, as some conversations may be of a mature nature, but you will not find crude language or discussion in #Australia Darwin. NT. Children under the age of 13 should be supervised. Why does my nickname change to Guest#### ? Users can register their own nick names on irc.bigpond.com and prevent other users from using them. If you login with a protected nickname, the server will wait for you to identify yourself with the nick name password, if you don't do so then it will change your nick to Guest####. You can select another nick name by typing /nick NewNick - you may want to register your nickname once you find an unused one. How can I register my nick name ? Once you are connected with an un-registered nick name, just type /nickserv register yourpassword youremailaddress - make sure you substitute yourpassword with your own password and youremailaddress with your real email address. If you don't have an alias called "ns" you may substitute the /nickserv with /ns - check your aliases before using it. Can I register more than one nick name ? Yes, just change your nickname to one that is not registered and register it. How do I change my nick name password ? Just type /nickserv set password newpassword - be sure to replace newpassword with your chosen password. If you don't have an alias called "ns" you may substitute the /nickserv with /ns - check your aliases before using it How do I prevent others from using my nickname when I am not online ? Just type /nickserv set kill on How can I get my nick back after being moofed ? Type /nickserv ghost nick password - be sure to replace nick and password with your applicable nick name and password Someone is using my registered nickname - how do I get it back ? Type /nickserv recover nick password - be sure to replace nick and password with your applicable nick name and password. You might then want to type /nickserv set kill on - this will ensure that no one can login with your nick in future. How do I stop people from sending me Memo's ? To prevent users from sending you memo's, type /nickserv set nomemo on or to set them back on, type /nickserv set nomemo off. How do I find out what settings I have set on NickServ ? Type /nickserv info Nick - you can use this command to retrieve info about your settings and other peoples, just replace Nick with the nick name you want info on. There are two ways to send a memo to a user, you can simply type /memoserv send Nick Message or you can add a subject to your memo by typing /memoserv nick MTOPIC Your Topic MBODY Your Message. Type /memoserv list to retrieve a list of your messages, then type /memoserv read <#> replace <#> with the number of the memo you wish to read. Alternatively you can type /memoserv read new to read all new messages. Can I send a Memo to someone who is not currently online ? Yes, as long as you know a person's registered nickname you can send them a message and they will receive it next time they login to the server. Can I send a memo to a channel, rather than just a user ? Yes, just send a memo as you normally would to an individual user, but replace Nick with #Channel. Type /memoserv del <#> replacing <#> with the memo number you wish to delete. Or you can type /memoserv del all to delete all stored messages. How can I get my pic on the Darwin Chatters site ? If you want your pic on our Darwin Chatters site, simply email the pic to coadster@bigpond.com Who are AusBot, Oz-Bot and RoomService ? AusBot is owned and controlled by #Australia Darwin. NT channel owners. AusBot was used on the MSN Network to control the channel and maintain channel passwords. On irc.bigpond.com, AusBot will be developed into a "fun" bot, providing entertainment to the people in #Australia Darwin. NT. Oz-Bot is a server side bot owned by Big Pond, it controls swearing, flooding, repeating and typing in caps. RoomService does not bring food and drinks to your room :) It is simply a "place holder" for the channel and is present in all channels. Why does RoomService whisper to me when I enter #Australia Darwin. NT ? RoomService whispers the rules which it enforces to each user that enters the channel. This is simply to make chatters aware of their restrictions. How do I stop receiving RoomService's notice/whisper ? It is not advisable for you to ignore the RoomService bot, as you may actually miss an important message without being aware of it. However, if you use Pirch and want to ignore the bot, simply type /ignore RoomService or if you use MS Chat, right click on RoomService and select "Ignore". What chat programs can I use on irc.bigpond.com ? All chat clients are welcome on irc.bigpond.com, however the most frequently used programs are Pirch, mIRC, MS Chat and Web Based Chat. Where can I learn more about the Big Pond chat service ? To learn more about the service, visit the Big Pond Chat Web Page. Why does the server keep saying "Please rephrase that" ? The Big Pond Chat Server has built in swearing blocks, when you type a sentence that contains a "bad" word, you will receive the message "Please Rephrase That in your server/status window. The swear filters enabled on Big Pond are similar to the channel name filters used by MSN. Although these may seem a little harsh at first, I am sure we will all adapt. Should you really feel the need to swear privately, we suggest you use DCC Chat, which is not filtered. A list of our rules and the server enforced rules can be found by clicking here to view our rules. Where can I find the Big Pond Terms of Service ? You can find the Big Pond Disclaimer by clicking here, the Terms Of Service can be found by clicking here. You can also find these pages by visiting the Big Pond Chat home page and following the links. What other rooms are available on BigPond ? The Big Pond server contains a large number of special and general interest channels. These include many city / state specific Australia channels and age specific channels. You can get a list of all channels by getting a channel list in your chat client, or by visiting the Big Pond Chat home page. How can I create a private channel ? The Big Pond server does not currently allow Dynamic Channel creation, however you can initiate a private DCC Chat with friends connected to the server if you use Pirch or mIRC. What is the @ or Hammer next to some people's nicks ? A hammer (in MS Chat) or an @ (Pirch, mIRC, etc) next to a users name in the channel indicates that they are an "Op" or host in the channel. This means that they can kick and/or ban users from the channel. Hosts are there to ensure that everyone sticks to the rules, removing those who don't from the channel. How can I become a Host in #Australia Darwin. NT ? To become a Host/Op in #Australia Darwin. NT, you must have been regularly chatting in #Australia Darwin. NT for a period of no less than three months. You should also be over 18 years of age, or be able to display the judgement and maturity of someone over the age of 18 (this will be at the discretion of the channel owners). You should have a good knowledge of IRC, server commands and general Internet usage. If you feel you meet the requirements and would like to apply, please fill in the Ops Application Form. Why was I kicked from #Australia Darwin. NT ? Generally you should only be kicked from #Australia Darwin. NT if you violated one of the Server or Channel rules. Should you feel you were kicked without reason, please feel free to approach a Senior Op or Channel Owner, ie. Runner, Coadster, Sevenofnine, BFM, Tagat, Jezzabelle or rasa37. I was banned from #Australia Darwin. NT - what can I do about it ? If you were banned for breaking the rules in #Australia Darwin. NT, your best option is to wait out the ban, we generally clear out banlists once per day. If you feel you were banned without reason, refer to "Why was I kicked from #Australia Darwin. NT " above. I don't like your hosts, how can I complain about them ? If there is a genuine reason why you don't like one of our hosts, ie. that you don't feel they are doing their job properly, then please feel free to approach a Senior Op or Owner (see above). If your reason is personal and non genuine, then you will be wasting your time complaining about them.
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